Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Brickell City Centre has submitted an expansion to build on two additional city blocks.
The proposal would amend the Special Area Plan regulating the development, and increase the SAP area from 11.4 acres to 13.9 acres.
In total, four more towers are now planned at Brickell City Centre, including One Brickell City Centre, North Block, the Tobacco Road site, and Associated Photo property.
The plans have just been recently submitted to the city, have not yet been reviewed, and are subject to change. As of now, the two new towers include:
650 SMA (Tobacco Road site):
  • 54 story tower, with 10-story podium
  • 588 residential units (of which 42 will be under 750 square feet)
  • 89,130 square feet of retail/commercial
  • 839 parking spaces
  • 1.66 acre project site
Associated Photo:
  • 62 story tower, with 12-story podium
  • 384 residential units (of which 144 will be under 750 square feet)
  • 3,200 square feet of commercial/retail
  • 363 parking spaces
  • .73 acre project site
Parking will be in garages above ground. Most of the existing parking at Brickell City Centre is below ground, and One Brickell City Centre and the North Block are planned to have below grade parking.
Arquitectonica is the project architect.

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